Coin Rejects - Classic Arcade Podcast

Classic Arcade Podcast from the Pacific Northwest

Remember those arcade games you played as a kid? They are still out there. Come with us and we will tell you all about what it is like to find, restore, maintain and play these old games. Interested in acquiring games and starting a collection or just hearing some stories and reminiscing about the arcades and games of the past? This is the podcast you've been looking for.

Episode #69 - Satan's Power

In this mega-update episode, we field some listener feedback. Jordan takes a trip to an arcade, Brandon takes a trip to an arcade, Brian buys the hardware store out of a certain part and Ian gives us the lowdown on the new version of Tubular. This and so much more. Enjoy!

If you would like to connect with us, you can do so via Twitter, Instagram, Email or, call us, at 503-766-2263 and leave us a voicemail. If you would like to support the show, you can do so at

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Jordan’s Roadtrip Photos